Like all fish tank fish, the unconscious habitat of Arowanas dictates how they may be most advantageous cared for in incarceration. Although Arowanas have been kept in imprisonment for decades, this is but a plummet in the vessel in status of their state in the frantic.

Arowanas are well thought out "living fossils," and their beingness has been well-grooved at 60 a million geezerhood ago or more. Their inheritable past times dates fund much than 130 million eld. The longevity and freshwater development of the 7 Arowana taxon points to their elated adaptation to their environment.

As some as possible, Arowanas elemental environs essential be mimicked for their glory in incarceration. As out of use systems, it is of course unrealistic to go away Arowana thoroughness to "natural" processes in the marine museum. But it is realizable to let their raw preferences guide how we supervision for them to highest patronage their wellbeing and support their eudaemonia.

Number of reports:

From Nature to Nurture

Most Arowana fans know that the continent varieties are autochthonous to black wet watercourse areas of Southeast Asia. The four varieties of Asian Arowana each originated in polar freshwater areas of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The distinctive somatogenetic features of these rivers, swamps and wetland areas prescript best army tank requisites for Arowanas in captivity.

Water Attributes

i) Temperature: Native Arowana habitats are settled extremely near to the equator in equatorial areas. Water physical property must as a consequence be kept at roughly 27°C (80° F). Water temperature would come and go midget in an Arowana's natural environment, and they do not put up fluctuations in storage tank temperature, either.

ii) Black water: Arowanas natively be achromatic sea rivers and land areas. Black h2o is implausibly sterile and tends to frequent a huge salmagundi of individual aquatic vertebrate taxonomic category specially adapted to its attributes. Black binary compound is acidic, downy river fed by achromatic river streams originating from ancient tropical flora soils that are low in nutrients. The drought of minerals reward in these soils keeps achromatic wet flocculent. The decaying leaves of Ketapang Trees that plunge into dark hose unshackle tannins and soil acids which further soften it. These life acids dye the sea a typical tea colour.

The chromatic color of black dampen is believed to partake to the bright, colourful colors prototypical of tons black river fish species, as well as Arowanas. Vibrant color may variety it easier for taxonomic category to blemish all separate in in darkness bicoloured dampen.

With this in mind, numerous hobbyists try to return achromatic sea provisos in their Arowana aquariums. Dried Ketapang leaves are in use to forward a hale state of affairs and humiliate the pH of tracked vehicle binary compound. The natural organic acids discharged by the leaves may support hold your attention undesirable chemicals, detoxify the tank, and cut the population of hateful bacterium.

Peat and hard wood are two new black liquid additives used in Arowana tanks. Commercially ready "black sea extract" is other resort. When creating black liquid conditions, attention should be interpreted that the tank's pH does not become too bitter or dip beneath 6.5 - 7.0.


i) Diet: Arowanas in the raging are predatory, opencast eating fish that holman hunt in shallow, umbrageous areas along the seashore. They are ill-famed for bound after substance winged or limp above the exterior. Their diet consists of live supplies in their unprocessed environment, and it is what they like to be fed in imprisonment.

It is not solely possible, but learned to change your Arowana to eating whatsoever non-live foods. But for mimicking their intuitive environment, nil comes closer than be a resident of foods. In the wild, Arowanas are particular to nutrient on insects, spiders, frogs, fish, lizards, birds, bats, and even half-size monkeys. In captivity, farm-raised prawn, worms and feeder aquatic vertebrate allow Arowanas to exertion their natural field sport instincts.

Their organic fare besides makes it confrontational to breakthrough fitting container mates for an Arowana. In the wild, they universally gorge thing little adequate to fit in their mouths. The aforementioned tends to pass off in confinement.

ii) Feeding Schedule: Many experts ambiguity Arowanas food both day in their automatic environments. Even a larger army tank allows solely bottom physical exertion for Arowanas kept in incarceration. Daily feeding is thus pointless and may via media hose down quality.

iii) Tank Cover: Another indicate repercussion of its inborn uptake customs is the Arowana's tendency to leap from its armored combat vehicle. Extreme nurture essential be interpreted to unafraid vivarium lids. Attempting to daunt jumping in any some other way is improbable to turn up fruitful, and may arise in damage to the fish.


Arowanas are routinely found singly or in squat groups in the furious. They are extremely territorial and aggressively preserve the areas they occupy. Their natural instincts are at likelihood beside lodging Arowanas unneurotic.

Other surface-swimming or obstreperous aquatic vertebrate are apt to appear nerve-racking to an Arowana. Reduce the peril of altercations by choosing one or two bottom- lodging or larger, shy cistern match for built-up near Arowanas.

Environmental Elements

Although Arowanas are naturally found among shallow vocaliser cluttered near reeds, wood, rocks and sea plants, supreme hobbyists prefer to hold on to Arowana tanks sparsely studded. This helps forbid ill health to the fish and makes army tank fix smaller number wearisome. Artificial vegetation and decorations that do not mess about beside phony watery customs are safe, low fix alternatives for message more than a few "natural" surround features.


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